
sleepless night

my sis is here visiting. my kids are sound asleep. and i can only think of the one person that is not here in our home.

It's so hard to have him gone when we're trying to work out our problems, but the things he's said in the past few days I cling to.

That I am his future.
There will be no sliding downhill as we climb to a happier marriage.
I'm his best friend.
There's a lighthouse we need to go towards and he'll be there with me as we go there.
That though we've been neglectful in each other we can find peace in each other.

Such hope for our marriage, our family. When I want to let go, I can't because he is there encouraging me that we will make it through together. It's like the distance has brought us closer together.

I'd write another love letter to the husband who is holding on through problems, but I don't want to annoy anyone too soon after the last one ;)

0 i wanna add my .02!: