
Non-Ironic Snow

Today was pretty much a good day. As we prepared to go to church, the kids and I were thrilled to see big fluffy flakes of snow falling. We went to church, it's always good to connect with the community. C. and J. love their Sunday school classes, so I get to sit and enjoy the sermon with no worries about fussing kids. Second hour was canceled just in case the snow got too bad. I was disappointed at first but then thought I needed to look at the silver lining. I had enjoyed these past weeks of getting to know the small group of parents that were thoughtful, outgoing and friendly. But I also remembered we had things we had planned to try to fit into the day and with the time free, it was all the better to do our errands leisurely.

So, after church we went to the book store to pick up a book I had special ordered for P's birthday (I hope he likes it). We relaxed with hot drinks and cookies then the kids explored the kid section. C. picked out a Magic School Bus book about penguins and J. found a book with her current obsession, Finding Nemo. We left the bookstore and went to get C's hair cut (short, he said, like Daddy!). J. had a real problem seeing C. get his hair cut, she cried even as he smiled and laughed. She morosely picked up his shorn hair and showed it to others.

Then we went home and I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk while the kids played. I figured the snow was still falling, but I wasn't going to be caught with inches of ice and snow like last time. Think ahead I tell you! I am rewarded by looking out the window and seeing clear driveway and walkways for us. While I was tossing snow to the side, I thought about how I love to take care of my family and how, if it was just me things like this wouldn't matter, it was their safety that mattered. And, unlike last time, I had peace with every toss of the shovel. Last time, hacking through the ice, I just kept thinking of someone who is trying to hurt my family. This time, I knew that isn't possible. That person has no power, and even if that wasn't true, Mama Bears don't back down.

Right now, I am watching the kids get in the last of their play before bedtime (oh, we are cutting it close). C. flashes his winning grin and J. mimics everything he does. Yes, we have power. The power of joy, love, peace, faith. We've been missing the ingredients we needed, but it's all coming back to us. As C. wrote on my church schedule: God is good. We love Him, He loves us.

So I finish the day, relaxed (thanks Sis- for the meals you left, it meant I didn't have a meal to worry about today). The house is cleaned, we've implemented a new system and C. is really stepping up a bit while Daddy is gone. I made it through a very rough week of emotions and just got stronger instead of weaker (again, thanks Sis- it was nothing less than divine timing for you to be there right when I needed you most!) I think back to the sight of everything around me blanketed in snow and for the first time this season there doesn't seem to be anything ironic or bittersweet about it. It is what it is, a beautiful creation that has to be looked at the right way to appreciate. If you look at the roads, all you'll think about is the obstacles. If you look at everything else, you'll see things like fun, joy, peace, quietness, reflection...even ugly covered by beautiful in some instances. I like having my non-ironic snow back.

1 i wanna add my .02!:

Rachel said...

Darn it...I tried leaving a comment and it didn't go through somehow. Oh well. Anyway, I was so glad to see you had a good day after your email the other day....was worried about you and trying to come up with some way to go visit this week. How CUTE that J. had a hard time with C.'s haircut! So funny. I can totally picture that whole scene. :P