
Four Times a Rule Breaker

No solid food and no milk products after midnight-
whoops, she nursed. Although breastmilk is technically not dairy so I'll let myself slide. It isn't on the list of acceptable clear liquids though.

Notify surgeon if symptoms of a cold appear-
we had a ped check up on Monday, she was free and clear. Tuesday afternoon a runny nose started. I didn't feel she was too sick, so I didn't call. I was right, her lungs were checked and cleared.

No siblings please-
with P. out of town and us leaving at 4:15 am, there was nobody to watch C. So to the hospital he came with us.

Please note women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not enter the operating room-
uh, ok. I wasn't actively breastfeeding. That counts, right? What- my breasts were going to spread diseases just by having milk in them? Next on Dateline: More dangerous than a runny nose, more infectious than an open sore- it's the lactating breast!

It was a hard, scary experience. But J. sailed through it and C. was a trouper during all the waiting. What was it? Fixing of the teeth. You can see her modelling her new choppers above. While dentists are hesitant to confirm it, I am convinced bad teeth (esp. baby teeth) run in our family. I believe it's enamel hypoplasia (or something like that). I had the same problems with my top 4 teeth, so did C. and J. From what I understand so did two of my brothers and at least one neice. Most dentists blame it on 'bottle-mouth' but not all of us were bottlefed (C. and J. sure weren't). I'm just glad this one was able to fix everything for J. Two of her front uper teeth were chipping away from the inside, one of the center teeth was rotting away (you could see a black circle). C. had the same problem, the same cavities. His dentist said it was because of night nursing, I still don't get that. The nipple is pulled back to the soft palate (well behind the front teeth) and only releases milk when sucked. Since neither child is a tummy sleeper, there's no way they didn't swallow milk and it pooled in the front of the mouth.

C.'s dentist also papoosed him (tied him down to work on him) since he was 3yo and uncooperative. He then yanked two teeth and filled the other with metal amalgam, finishing off with two ugly side caps. With this dentist, we can't even tell these aren't J's teeth.

I love my little girl, and now I can love her smile!

0 i wanna add my .02!: