
Changes are Coming

I've gone 'round and 'round on doing this since the changes at Blogger. I have finally decided to set this blog to private. So, if you want to continue reading it, please email me at

Why this choice? I know I post many personal things here, but I actually don't mind that. I have had people contact me, thanking me for my honesty about my struggle with depression. Hoping that I am helping people is what has prevented me from making this blog private. I know that now there will be fewer people reading here, but it's something I have to do.

I had to make this choice because Blogger does not allow for blocking just one IP address. I have to block them all and allow select ones or block none. Right now, I feel censored when writing my blogs as there is someone who can't seem to let go of her connection with my family. I had hoped she would stop reading here, but I can see by my IP tracker she hasn't. Her 'interest' is stalling my healing.

In order to feel free with how I post, I have to make this blog private until such time as Blogger allows me to block one IP address or I can get my own little domain and have control over that myself.

2 i wanna add my .02!:

Anonymous said...

That bitch! Can't she just stay out of your blog!?? Count me in, Bree.

Rachel said...

Wow - I'm surprised after everything that's happened she can't just move on. Get on with your life already. Hang in there, Bree! I'm subbed. Hugs, Rachel