
Dear Readers, I need your opinions!

Today my therapist called to tell me about a yearly magazine that comes out in the mental health community in my state. The deadline is in April and he thinks I am a good writer and wants me to submit something. I think the Wounded Child essay is one, but I can submit three more. Anything you remember reading of mine that would have widespread appeal? Anything that struck a chord?

Just let me know, thanks :)

2 i wanna add my .02!:

Anonymous said...

Frankly, that is the one with the most impact to me. The one piece that strikes me as 'therapeutic work' and something that can touch anyone, even someone who isn't depressed but wounded otherwise. I'd stick with it. I could go back, but going by what stuck with me, I'd vote for the wounded child piece.

Unknown said...

Sorry I'm so late responding! I also liked the Snowflakes entry and the one about St. George. Those would make good entries for multiple readers. You ARE a GREAT writer! :-) -Rachel