
The First Healingway

Just a quick note to commemorate the first Healingway. My dear friend M. has the strength to ask to be uplifted, and she did so by inviting a group of special friends together to celebrate her birthday...and her.

A total of seven women gathered at her home and filled her heart with stories of how special she has been to them. As facilitator of that part of the party, I had felt I kept it too simple compared to the previous Blessingways I have been a part of. But it was wonderful, allowing for more time and love to be poured over M.

Just looking at the friends surrounding her, the wonderful, open, vivacious, caring women that were drawn to her, anyone could tell what a special person M. is.

If she blogs about it, I'll link with her permission. I just wanted to share the experience. I really hope it accomplished its intended purpose, uplifting her to carry her through times of weakness and sadness.

We love you M!

1 i wanna add my .02!:

Unknown said...

Had a GREAT time! (and I swear it wasn't just the wine :P)
I think you balanced it was structured enough to serve the purpose and open enough for everyone to have a blast. When's the next one? :-)