
Healingway part one

I've decided I need a Healingway. What's that you might ask. I'm in the midst of planning a Blessingway for a friend. As I do this, I think about my other friends and their experiences. One that still has so many knots because of her birth experience, one because the dream of a healthy child is gone. Then I thought, if they need a healingway, we could do one for everyone. What would mine be?

Healing from feeling isolated and unworthy of time. It's what first came in mind. So I'm putting that on my plate next. Planning a healingway for those of my friends that are willing to come together, help each other heal and commit part of our spirits to each other.

I believe we do have sort of a communal spirit. Christians call it God- He is infused in all. But whatever you call it, whatever your religion, there is something that connects us. Something that can befoul the energy around us. Something that lifts us up and gives us strength. So why wouldn't we also get together to heal and cleanse each other?

Take a moment to think. If you could gather with a small group of friends, share your pain or confusion or struggles, what would you share? What thing in your life would you most like to heal from?

1 i wanna add my .02!:

Bree said...

I'm working that out, that's why it's a part one :) I figure get J's Blessingway done first ;)